The Top 7 Benefits of Bath Salts

benefits of bath salts
November 24, 2020 0 Comments

For decades, the Indian culture has used Turmeric in cooking to season and flavor various dishes. Turmeric is a popular spice that is used for various health supplements, as oils and extracts or powders in for food and drinks. This is a yellow-colored spice that is a well-known ingredient for making curry and other delicious foods.

Turmeric, and its active compound curcumin, have a wide variety of health benefits for different diseases, aches, and pains. The main reason for a lot of these health problems is oxidation, and they can be cured or diminished by eating or using Turmeric due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Just like other supplements, you need to take them in moderation. You also won’t see the results right away. Like healing a bruise or a scar, the healing process will take time. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the top 10 reasons turmeric will make you feel great.

The Top 7 Benefits of Bath Salts

Most of the benefits that you will receive from the use of bath salt are only going to help with issues you have, not fix or solve any problems. However, relief of pain or itching can be quite a relief for someone who has chronic issues

1. Good For Your Skin

Dermatologists are starting to see an increase of skin issues being fixed, or at least managed, by those patients who are regularly soaking in bath salts. In some instances, the salt helps dry out some skin conditions like acne, and in other conditions, the salt helps calm outbreaks or burning and itching issues.

The most common skin issues that can be relieved with a salt bath are:

  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Sunburn

2. Stimulates Circulation

Soaking in a salt bath can help to reduce inflammation in your body. When the inflammation in your body decreases, your circulation can increase drastically thanks to the decreased pressure of your muscles against your blood vessels.

This can help with quite a few issues you may be having, such as:

  • Minor sprain or bruising
  • Circulation issues causing pain, tingling, or numbing issues
  • Oxygen depleted digits or limbs.

While soaking in a salt bath likely won’t be a permanent fix for any of the above issues, it can certainly help relieve the pain or uncomfortable effects that you may be experiencing. Soaking in bath salts can also help the healing process of an injury due to increased circulation and reduced swelling and inflammation.

3. Relieves Muscle Pain

Muscle pain can be one of the most annoying types of pain, especially when it’s from working out and trying to get in better shape. It is always a great indicator that you have strengthened a muscle, but it can be hard to use that muscle again until the pain subsides.

Soaking in a salt bath can help relieve muscle pain to allow for the use of the muscle without causing so much discomfort. Increasing circulation as well as relaxing the muscle allows for a decrease of lactic acid build-up, which is what causes the pain in the first place.

4. Helps with Joint Issues

The most common issues with joints are:

  • Stiffness
  • Chronic Aches
  • Pain when walking
  • Overuse or injuries

Bath salts can help relieve the effects of all of the above issues for a short period of time, which can allow your body to focus more on healing and less on the immediate pain or swelling. Consistent use of bath salts dissolved in warm water can also speed up the healing process with joint-related injuries when used in conjunction with a doctor recommended wellness plan.

5. Reducing Stress

Taking a bath or allowing your feet to soak is usually an activity that already helps to reduce stress. However, adding in bath salts allows your body to break down cortisol better due to the trace amounts of magnesium that are found in salts.

Magnesium is a mineral that can be found in most salts that is a necessity for our body to function correctly. Keeping your magnesium levels to a fair amount can help reduce stress, and bath salts can help with that.

If you have a routine that you regularly partake in destress, adding a hot bath to that will likely help you unwind more than you do right now while also providing several health benefits.

6. Promotes Good Sleep

Soaking in bath salts can create a calming effect that will allow your entire body to relax and calm down. If you take a salt bath right before bed, you can expect to see some impacts on your sleep.

A lower stress level, relaxed muscles, and reduced inflammation in the body will help you:

  • Fall asleep faster
  • Stay asleep longer
  • Get a full REM cycle
  • Achieve a deeper sleep with fewer interruptions

7. Aides in Fixing Minor Injuries

Soaking your feet or taking a bath with salts can help with, and in some cases, fix minor cuts or injuries such as:

  • Splinters
  • Drying out open surface scrapes
  • Ingrown nails
  • Drying out sores thus speeding the healing process
  • Helping to break up blood blisters or bruising

While this likely won’t fix some issues completely, it may help with the pain and discomfort while alleviating some of your symptoms.

(Source: Health Line, Floatopia, Webmd, Medical News, Seasalt)

Are Bath Salts Good For You?

While there is minimal concrete scientific evidence that bath salts help mend or fix issues you may be experiencing, there is also no evidence that soaking in bath salts can harm you when following the recommendations on use.

With the expectation that bath salts can help reduce inflammation, contribute minerals to your body, help with skin issues, etc. it seems as if bath salts are suitable for you depending on your aliments.

It is proven that aromatherapy is a great way to lower stress and promote feelings of peace, so if you were to get bath salts with calming scents, they would be good to help you calm down and chill out after a long day.

What Does Soaking In Bath Salts Do?

Soaking in bath salts are said to have several different uses, the most common ones being:

  • Detoxing the body from chemicals or heavy metals
  • Reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation
  • Fixing minor skin issues
  • Helping with minor to moderate skin conditions
  • Fixing or helping minor cuts or injuries
  • Helping with stress levels
  • Promoting better sleep

The success stories told by people who regularly use bath salts are far greater than those who have little to no impacts after using them. However, using them only once or twice is not a good indicator of whether they worked for your specif issue or not. Due to the trace amount of benefits, using them consistently would be where you saw the best results.

How you soak in bath salts would be the most significant variable as to what they did for you specifically. If you only soak your feet, you might experience the effects only in your lower extremities versus soaking your entire body, which could help you experience the positives on a more significant and more impactful level.

(Source: Healthline, Medical News)

Does A Salt Bath Help You Lose Weight?

A salt bath won’t cause weight loss on its own; however, paired with a healthy lifestyle, taking regular salt baths can help you reach your weight loss goal.


Including salt baths in your regular routine can help support your body’s natural systems that help to flush out toxins from your body. Your lymphatic and adrenal systems remove harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and things that are considered toxic to your body.

Overtime is you are consuming or being exposed to a large number of toxins, and your systems can start to wear down and lose their effectiveness. Salt baths can help detox your body, therefore taking some stress off of your other systems and allowing them to rest.

Curbing Bad Habits

We all have habits that we get into when we are feeling emotional or overwhelmed. Being stressed already can cause weight gain, but practices that you are partaking in to help you unwind can also contribute to your weight gain or lack of ability to lose weight.

Using salt baths to help unwind at the end of a long day or during stressful times can help you avoid unhealthy habits that can cause bigger health issues and get you farther away from your goal.

Reduce the Risk Of Metabolic Syndrome

A metabolic syndrome is a group of 5 risk factors contributing to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The five risk factors are:

  • High blood pressure
  • High blood sugar
  • Excess weight and fat around the waist
  • Raised triglycerides levels
  • Low good cholesterol numbers

Bath salts contain magnesium and sulfate, both of which the body needs to fully perform and carry out its processes effectively. Doctors have started to see a sharp decline in the magnesium in our food, so it is likely that most people have low magnesium and sulfate levels in their bodies.

Magnesium is necessary for your body to effectively run these systems:

  • Cardiac
  • Circulatory
  • Insulin Regulation
  • Nervous system
  • Hormones and moods
  • Lymphatic

Sulfate is required for your body to effectively run these systems:

  • Forming and repairing brain tissue
  • Muscles protein productions
  • Healthy joints
  • Digestive tract function
  • Detoxing with the lymphatic system

Without either of these minerals, your body could easily shut down or be at risk of a major injury. Paired with a healthy lifestyle, good diet, and exercise, bath salts can help support and protect your body. Support your body’s main systems are key to allowing your body to grown and get stronger in all seasons of life.

(Source: Health Line, Style Craze, Medical News)

Check Out The All Natural Bath Salts of Island Tumeric

Island Tumeric has a couple of bath salt options that both provide different health benefits. The Lavender bath salts help with:

  • Inhibiting bacteria growth
  • Stimulating healthy cell growth
  • Inflammation
  • Stress and relaxation

The Rose bath salts help with:

  • Magnesium Levels
  • Relaxation and stress
  • Inflammation
  • Fights off allergens
  • Can help with minor dermatological issues

Bath of these bath salts can be used in a foot soak or added to a bathtub of water to immerse your entire body. It is recommended to add 1 cup(8oz) to a bath to receive full benefits.

(Source: Island Tumeric)

Bath Salts Basics

Bath salts can provide many health benefits as well as promoting relaxation and good habits when trying to unwind or distress. Added bath salts to your weekly or daily routine can help you see increases in circulation, good skin habits, and digestive routines.

While it is likely that you won’t experience any negatives from using bath salts, it is always wise to speak to a doctor about using bath salts for anything more than just a foot soak, depending on your current health or conditions.