5 Benefits of Using Neem on Your Skin

neem benefits on skin
April 13, 2021 0 Comments

Neem is an ingredient used most often in skincare products, with five known benefits. There are other purposes for Neem, but it’s mostly used in skincare, cosmetics, and shampoos. Neem is a natural herb, a great option for those that are into natural products.

There are five main benefits of using Neem on your skin, including:

  • Keeping your skin moisturized
  • Treating acne
  • Fighting dandruff
  • Treating uneven skin tones
  • Fighting signs of aging

Neem is a bit of a hidden gem that’s not as well known as other popular ingredients. But it’s equally effective, and as we mentioned, a natural option.  Keep reading for all you need to know about Neem and how it’s beneficial to your skin.

What is Neem?

The Neem tree, located primarily in Asia, has leaves, bark, and seeds that are typically used for medicinal purposes. Neem trees also produce fruit that is a sweet flavored pulp; however, the fruit, flowers, and roots, although useful, are rarely used.  

Neem is typically used in cosmetics for its antibacterial and antifungal properties and is present in shampoos for treating dandruff. In southern Asia, there is Neem in mouthwashes, and the young twigs are used as toothbrushes.

Neem is also used to supplement treatments for other various skin and health conditions, including:

  • Leprosy: Leprosy is a disease that, even though known from biblical times, is still present. Neem oil can be used to treat some side effects of Leprosy. Since Leprosy deals with the skin as well, treatments can help with healing and inflammation of the skin.
  • Intestinal worms: Regardless in animals or insects happen. Usually, in humans, an intestinal worm makes its way into a human host by an insect bite or coming in contact with feces. Neem helps treat these infestations by acting as an antibacterial and antihistamine to help get rid of the unwanted parasite.
  • Stomach issues: Having an upset stomach is terrible. Neem protects the stomach and intestines by eliminating and removing toxins that can be present with digestive health. This can also help with acid and heartburn that may be an issue for some.
  • Heart and blood issues: In treating diseases that are related to the heart, Neem acts almost like a sedative by reducing anxiety caused by stress or other mental and physical factors. Since it has antihistamine properties, Neem helps dilate blood vessels that reduce blood pressures as well.
  • Malaria: In order to treat Malaria, Neem leaf extract oxidizes the red blood cells, helps fight fevers, and increases appetites to help create a stronger body. Neem also prevents parasites that may carry the virus.

(Source: RxList)

Even though there are health benefits from using Neem, you should practice caution when using Neem. The Neem oil, bark, and leaves from the tree can cause miscarriage and are not recommended for use during pregnancy. Always consult your physician before using any kind of treatment.

How Does Neem Help My Skin?

Using Neem is beneficial for all your skin, including your scalp. Since Neem has anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, it is a key ingredient in most cosmetics as well as shampoos, soaps, and creams.

Neem, when used on the hair, can help promote hair growth plus give you that added advantage for your scalp.

5 Benefits of Using Neem on Your Skin

Using Neem on your skin can help with treating head lice, wounds, and even skin diseases. However, there are other uses for Neem on your skin. While utilizing the herb, you can:

  • Keeping your skin moisturized
  • Treating acne
  • Fighting dandruff
  • Treating uneven skin tones
  • Fighting signs of aging

Up next, we’ll dig a little deeper into each of the five benefits of using Neem and how you can start to integrate Neem into your skincare regime.

neem benefits on skin - infographic


As you probably know, acne can be troublesome during certain peaks in life. But truthfully, no matter how old you are, acne is never fun. Neem is a great way to help treat acne. Being a natural ingredient, there are face washes available that have Neem infused. A face wash is a great way to introduce Neem to your acne-fighting skincare routine.

In order for Neem to help fight against acne, it cleanses all the oils and dirt away and out of your pores. Neem is great for all skin types, including the ever-so-tricky oily skin. The oils and dirt from throughout the day build up on your face and clog in your pores, causing our acne breakouts.

To help combat these breakouts, you can use a Neem-based wash that is great at regulating the skin and keeping oils and sebum at bay. But use caution when you first start and pay attention to any signs of overdrying.

Not only is Neem great at fighting acne breakouts but also to rid your face of the scars left behind after they heal. The Neem’s leaves and stem extracts are great to reduce inflammation that is the number one culprit of the scars that are left behind.

Some acne treatments that contain Neem are:


In India, Neem leaves are often used for dandruff. Dandruff is dry skin that is just located on your scalp, underneath your hair. As a remedy to help eliminate dandruff, Neem leaves can help reduce inflammation on your scalp that can cause dandruff to be worse.

Since your scalp can be prone to dandruff and the fungi that cause it, Neem oil or leaves can help restore and prevent the fungi from developing. Neem can also be used to help treat psoriasis, which typically occurs on or around the scalp.

Here are some of our favorite hair products that feature Neem as their star ingredient:

Skin Tones

Neem not only has anti-inflammatory properties but is also an antioxidant. These antioxidants are great for reducing melanin productions. Having different skin tones is a part of life, but they don’t have to be.

Neem can make your skin glow and reduce dark spots, redness, and any redness that may be present on your skin from acne or just uneven tones.

Some of these products that help with uneven skin tones are:


Dry skin is annoying. Anyone that has suffered from dry skin is aware of the itchiness, redness, and uncomfiness that comes with dealing with skin that looks like a lizard. With the dry flakey patches, dry skin is also slightly embarrassing.

Neem is an ingredient in lotions and sometimes even used as an oil for your skin. Fatty acids and vitamins that are present in Neem help with keeping your skin moisturized. Having healthy skin allows it to look younger and helps limit environmental elements from damaging it further.

One of the great benefits of using Neem as a moisturizer is that it can help treat skin conditions that cause dry skin, such as eczema or psoriasis. A great Neem-based moisturizer is  Neem Body Butter.

Other moisturizing Neem based products are:


Neem is not only full of vitamins to help keep your skin nourished. It also contains omega-6 and nine fatty acids and palmitic acid that helps fight against aging. Using Neem oil not only helps with aging but can reduce or repair the damage that is done to your skin. This damage is what causes those fine lines and wrinkles.

Since Neem is great for keeping your skin moisturized, it is no surprise that it also helps with aging. Skin damage that is done by the sun or having incredibly dry skin creates these wrinkles or contributes to leathery-looking skin that is known to cause aging or even just make you look older than you really are.

Some anti-aging Neem treatments are:

How Can I Apply Neem on My Face

Neem can be applied to your skin in multiple methods. Some of these, perhaps, maybe in the form of an oil, a cream, or even a paste. In order to apply the right treatment to your skin, knowing where you are applying it will make the difference.

To apply Neem to your face, first consider what texture you want. There are face washes that are great to help keep your face clean, while a face mask is available for daily or even weekly use. Picking the right product to use can seem complicated. However, once you decide at least what to try, you can gain all the advantages that using a Neem product offers.

Making a face mask to apply on your face is pretty simple. You can use ground Neem leaves or boiled leaves to make the paste with extra added ingredients to help make the masks smooth. If you’re into natural skincare and DIY masks, there are lots of different ones you can try that will help if you’re experiencing any of the skin conditions we’ve already discussed.

Does Neem Help with Whitening My Skin?

While Neem has whitening abilities, there may not be actual whitening that happens. Neem can be used to remove dark spots or even get rid of them completely. However, using it as a whitening ingredient may not show promising effects.

The idea that Neem whitens your skin comes from its ability to reduce blemishes and dark spots, thus making your face look brighter. If you add other ingredients to a paste or mask, you can achieve even brighter skin like this face mask found on StyleCraze. The face mask is called a whitening mask, but it doesn’t whiten your face, just helps reduce dark spots, which makes your face look brighter than before.


Neem is a great herb to use. Some precautions need to be taken, especially in pregnant or trying to become pregnant females. There are many benefits to using elements of the Neem tree. Not only are there medical but also cosmetic purposes.

Neem is a great way to keep your skin moisturized and looking healthy and great. Using Neem in your skincare routine can help you reduce signs of aging, treat acne, and treating dandruff when used for your scalp.

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